What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep helped me pass the Series SIE, 63, 65 and 7 exams. The study materials are easy to understand and practice exams were very helpful, especially with the passing probability to gauge my exam readiness. The instructor for all web classes were really worth it as I could get directly answers for my questions. I couldn't have pass these exams without Solomon's help. Thank you!
I passed the Series 65 on the first try and I would absolutely give credit to this tool. We all learn in vastly different ways, so having the options available for a study guide, audiobook, video training, flash cards, practice tests - and ALL of the other resources available was critical to my success. I've been out of school for over a decade and remembering HOW to study was hard. I'm so glad I had all of these options.
Ashley Dunning, Inspire Investing. Kansas City, MO
I want to thank Solomon Prep for helping me to pass the Series 65.
Nelson Coleman, Saint Louis, MO
I'm an auditory learner. Ordering the audio files was most helpful and I passed today with no worries.
Michael Freemire, Cambridge Advisors, Englewood, CO
My oldest son purchased your Solomon audio exam guide to pass his Series 7, and I did the same for the Series 65 exam at his recommendation. Although I am 62 and have been out of college for forty(40) years, I passed my Series 65 exam on my first try. This would NOT have been possible without your excellent study materials. Thank you! for the service you provide to all aspiring test takers where so much is on the line!
Most Sincerely,
David Hartzell
Cornell Capital Management
David Hartzell, Cornell Capital Management, New York
I did so many
practice exams with Solomon and never saw one question twice. The quality of
study material is thorough, with a touch of humor, and gives it to you in many
formats (visual both on the computer or in book format if you wish), as well as
audio that you can listen to in the car, as well as the benefit of videos of
actual lectures from professors. I felt as though getting the information in
all those formats allowed me to really grasp the information using different
senses and facilitated the learning process even further.
Stacey Sperry, Durham, NC
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