What are people saying?
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
All test from FINRA should never be taken lightly. The Solomon course work and exercise materials prepared me well for the SIE exam of which I passed the first time. I am onto prepping for the Series 79 and will once again use Jeremy Solomon’s resources and program. Thank you, Jeremy, for the outstanding support!
Constantino (Tony) Quintong Jr, Securieon Group. Carmel by the Sea, CA
Passed the Series 6 exam! The study material and practice exams are the best. If you're an Allstate agent needing the SIE & the Series 6, Solomon is the way to go!
Christopher McHugh, McHugh Insurance Group, Inc., Boca Raton, FL
I passed the Series 65 this afternoon! Your online test simulation was terrific. Thanks so much!
David G.,
San Francisco, CA
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