What are people saying?
I passed the test [the Series 65] with flying colors. Your study material, particularly the book and the online exams were the difference maker. Other individuals in my firm used exam prep courses from other companies and unfortunately did not pass the exam. I am confident in saying that these materials were the difference maker. Thank you for creating such a great product. Everyone in my firm will use your simulators going forward.
Chris T. Chambers, Senior Partner, My Harvest Field, Inc., Clearwater, FL
I wanted to add my testimonial to the long list of successful test-takers. Passed my Series 65 today on the first try! The materials were well written and made the concepts easier to understand (especially to someone with no background in finance like myself). I was a big fan of the audio format as I have a long drive back and forth to work (other test prep providers did not have this option). The test simulators were also a huge help. Thanks to the folks at Solomon Prep!
Ralph Marshall, High Speed Alliance, Wilmington DE
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
I am 73 years old and have been retired for 5 years. My fulfilling career of 38 years was mainly as a portfolio manager in a trust setting. A good friend of mine recently started an RIA and asked me to consider coming to work for him. Since I loved my job and retirement is boring in comparison, the decision to jump back in was rather easy. You know the old saying: if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. But yes, I must first pass Series 65. The study materials and whole program you have constructed are excellent. I read the phone-book sized reading materials and took many practice exams on the website. Just this morning I sat for the test and passed. Hooray!! I am convinced that your test preparation process made the exam seem easy. So I will recommend to anyone preparing for a securities exam to definitely consider getting your program. Thanks again for your outstanding program and guidance."
Rick Hinchberger
Dover Advisors LLC
I just passed the Series 65 exam – thanks, Jeremy! Your excellent and enjoyable book and challenging practice exams-and-quizzes were my only resources. This exam kicked my butt, but I was able to accomplish the only essential task – simply "to pass" – because of the thoroughness (and the plain English and occasional humor) of these two essential test prep materials. Here's my warning -- don't underestimate the difficulty of this exam! I highly recommend that fellow Series 65'ers keep taking the practice exams and quizzes until they can comfortably get a score of 80+ before scheduling their exam; you need to go into the exam room with the confidence that this crucial simulated test-taking experience will provide. I'm so grateful for your help!
Jeff Hartnett, Portland, OR
The Series 65 was a tough exam, but thanks to Solomon I passed at the first attempt. The Solomon Exam Prep Course covered every single aspect in detail. The material was not only important to pass the exam, but it is extremely helpful in the job as investment adviser representative.
Isabel Fliss
CoreCap Advisors
Southfield, MI
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