What are people saying?
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
I passed the Series 65 on the first try and I would absolutely give credit to this tool. We all learn in vastly different ways, so having the options available for a study guide, audiobook, video training, flash cards, practice tests - and ALL of the other resources available was critical to my success. I've been out of school for over a decade and remembering HOW to study was hard. I'm so glad I had all of these options.
Ashley Dunning, Inspire Investing. Kansas City, MO
I wanted to add my testimonial to the long list of successful test-takers. Passed my Series 65 today on the first try! The materials were well written and made the concepts easier to understand (especially to someone with no background in finance like myself). I was a big fan of the audio format as I have a long drive back and forth to work (other test prep providers did not have this option). The test simulators were also a huge help. Thanks to the folks at Solomon Prep!
Ralph Marshall, High Speed Alliance, Wilmington DE
Thank you Solomon! I passed the Series 65 today on the 1st attempt. Same result as on the Series 63 I passed last year. The Solomon video lectures and exam simulator was awesome. It not only helped pass the test but helped me really understand all the material.
Gary Kilanowski. Scottsdale, AZ
As an international student from Bogota, Colombia who recently graduated from Principia College in Business administration and economics, I was looking for the best learning software alternative to study for the Series 65 exam. When I started using Solomon Exam Prep, I realized it was the best option due to its friendly platform, extensive question bank, detailed video lessons and meticulously written study guide for the test. As a native Spanish speaker, I was afraid that I wasn't going to understand, but thanks to Solomon Exam Prep's user friendly guide, I was able to understand every concept from multiple points of view with the help of the video lessons, study guide, note cards and audiobook. I am so grateful that I got to finish the program in 8 weeks start my training as an Investment Adviser Representative for Challenger Wealth Management at 24 years old!
Esteban Rojas Acuna, Challenger Wealth Management. Los Angeles, CA
I passed the Series 65 this afternoon! Your online test simulation was terrific. Thanks so much!
David G.,
San Francisco, CA
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