What are people saying?
I began the process of studying for the Series 65 in October
of 2013. I studied with two other exam prep
companies. The result, a 70% each time.
Then, I bought Solomon’s Exam Prep 65. As I did with
the other two, I went step by step, and when it said I was ready I sat for the
exam! Boom! 80%, passing all four sections at once! So if
you’re surfing the internet right now wondering who to go with….STOP….Solomon’s
is the right choice for today’s professional to get the licensing you need done
the first time, not the third!
Shad Johnson,
The Mueller Companies,
Canon City, CO
I'm an auditory learner. Ordering the audio files was most helpful and I passed today with no worries.
Michael Freemire, Cambridge Advisors, Englewood, CO
Well, I finally was able to take my Series 65 and passed with an 85%. I think that the combination of your Series 65 text along with our other vendor made all the difference. It was good to have an additional reference for clarity and in some cases more detailed and straight forward discussion. Thank you for the materials.
Alesia Mullis, Churchill Financial, Louisville, KY
I PASSED. A big thank you to Solomon Exam Prep for breaking down the material for the Series 65 exam into understandable information. I started my exam prep journey with another provider and their material was simply too wordy and full of unnecessary information. I switched to Solomon Exam Prep and the material was easy to follow and I PASSED. Thanks so much for being there for me.
Tammy Gladstone, State Farm Insurance, California, MD
I just passed the Series 65 exam – thanks, Jeremy! Your excellent and enjoyable book and challenging practice exams-and-quizzes were my only resources. This exam kicked my butt, but I was able to accomplish the only essential task – simply "to pass" – because of the thoroughness (and the plain English and occasional humor) of these two essential test prep materials. Here's my warning -- don't underestimate the difficulty of this exam! I highly recommend that fellow Series 65'ers keep taking the practice exams and quizzes until they can comfortably get a score of 80+ before scheduling their exam; you need to go into the exam room with the confidence that this crucial simulated test-taking experience will provide. I'm so grateful for your help!
Jeff Hartnett, Portland, OR
Awesome customer service and material. Will definitely be a returning customer
Michael, MM Financial Planning. New York, NY
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