What are people saying?
The Solomon material was invaluable in helping me pass this exam. The organization of the content, the tests, the video and lecture material, were all exactly on point. Thank you! (Series 54)
Mark Melio, Melio & Company, LLC. Northfield, IL
I successfully passed the test [Series 65] thanks to you guys!!!!
Chad Cook,
Old West Investment Management,
Los Angeles, CA
Great preparation for a first-time-go on my SIE exam! Used the audio book for my commutes, and the presentation was good addition to back up the book. I leveraged the exam simulator which was priceless in making me feel like I was prepared for the exam. And, once I got into the test, I was prepared enough that I wondered if the real exam was going to get more difficult at the end...? I felt confident and well-prepared. Will be ordering the top-off shortly! Thanks for a great product and outstanding support!
Jeff Hughes, Cambridge Investment Research. Fairfield, IA
I was having a tough time with the series 26 material. It had been 10 years since I had last studied for a test. I used other material of some big name companies that did not help me to understand what the test was asking. I purchased the Question bank from Solomon and I truly believe it is one of the reasons I was able to power through the exam. The questions were more challenging then the actual test itself which really helped me when it came to crunch time.
Ryan Schlagenhauf, Prudential, Shelton, CT
I found encouragement along the way from reading other people's testimonials, so payback is to write one of my own. Solomon is the gold standard for customer service. I passed the 66, SIE first tries -- received a 69% on the 7 (failed), but passed on the 2nd attempt. I'm in awe over the outreach I received from day 1 but especially from Jeremy on how to move forward after falling short on the Series 7 - followed his advice - one of which was to get the accompanying videos and passed. Watching/studying the Chapter 5 video had a big impact. I also printed the questions I got wrong that I particularly struggled with while taking the online exams, printed and/or turned them into flashcards, then taped many of them around the house. It forced me to constantly revisit the information and moved me past a superficial understanding. I'll take a messy-looking home for a short time than having to retake a 3 hour and 45 minute exam.
Brook Langston, Everspire. Salt Lake City, UT
I passed the Series 66! I cannot even begin to say thank you enough times. I continue to be impressed and amazed by your program.
Sarah Boone,
Wells Fargo, Atlanta, GA
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