What are people saying?
I passed the test [the Series 65] with flying colors. Your study material, particularly the book and the online exams were the difference maker. Other individuals in my firm used exam prep courses from other companies and unfortunately did not pass the exam. I am confident in saying that these materials were the difference maker. Thank you for creating such a great product. Everyone in my firm will use your simulators going forward.
Chris T. Chambers, Senior Partner, My Harvest Field, Inc., Clearwater, FL
Passed Series 65 (80%) on first attempt. THANK YOU, Solomon Exam Prep and all of your VERY helpful and courteous staff! Will be back for next two exams.
James M., Fort Lauderdale, FL
I had my licenses but I let them lapse after I sold my firm. Now we're starting a new firm and I needed a refresher and studied your book and used the exam simulator. I passed the Series 65 and your materials were a big help. Now I am back for the Series 7 and I want your book, audio book and exam simulator. Thanks for an excellent product.
Jason Luquire Pawleys Island, SC
Hi Jeremy, I passed! Thanks for all your hard work and support to help me get through the Series 65! I went from scoring a 65 [using a competitor's material] to a 79 percent [with your Exam Prep]. I felt your material covered the exam perfectly. I went out of my way of actually learning instead memorizing. I used the book and the audio book as well as your online test prep. I am glad that is over with! Thanks again, best wishes to you as well.
Bryce Lindley, Sisters, Oregon
I wanted to thank you for your help several weeks ago. The practice questions were very helpful. I passed the exam (Series 65) on the first try with a solid score.
Alan Heacock,
LPL Financial,
Bedford, NH
My oldest son purchased your Solomon audio exam guide to pass his Series 7, and I did the same for the Series 65 exam at his recommendation. Although I am 62 and have been out of college for forty(40) years, I passed my Series 65 exam on my first try. This would NOT have been possible without your excellent study materials. Thank you! for the service you provide to all aspiring test takers where so much is on the line!
Most Sincerely,
David Hartzell
Cornell Capital Management
David Hartzell, Cornell Capital Management, New York
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