What are people saying?
I passed the Series 66 exam with an 83 this morning! I wanted to personally thank you for all the help you have given me. Your method of presenting the information needed to pass these exams is outstanding (I only had two weeks to study). In the future I wouldn't even consider using another resource to tackle the preparation for a Series exam. Moving forward in my career I will be sure to pass this information on to friends and colleagues without hesitation.
Michael F. Lee, Jr. Hatteras Funds, Raleigh, NC
I passed the Series 66 today with an 85%. Your book and PDF test questions were great, and turned out to be the only study material I needed to pass the test on the first try. I'll look to you again when I need my Series 7. Thanks!
Joshua Reeves, San Diego, CA
I have taken and passed the SIE, Series 7, and Series 66 using this amazing Solomon study program. Each time, I felt prepared for the exam and confident in my answers. Solomon's study structure and varying mediums of study make it interactive and easy to learn.. It's an amazing deal for the tools received. I would highly recommend this program!
Abbigayle Hanoch, LPL Financial. Ventura, NM
I successfully passed the series 66 test yesterday! I could honestly say it was one of the happiest days of my life! I want to personally thank the excellent staff at Solomon exam prep! They are so knowledgeable and when I asked questions, they always went over the top with explanations and even sometimes creating charts for me to break down the concept. I felt really well served by this group.
If you are looking for a company to help you succeed, you have found it Within Solomon exam prep team!
Shirley Antonini. Schuylkill Haven, PA
I passed the Series 66! I cannot even begin to say thank you enough times. I continue to be impressed and amazed by your program.
Sarah Boone,
Wells Fargo, Atlanta, GA
Thank you so much for your great study
materials! I have used Kaplan in the past and this is so much better! I used
your study materials to get an 84% on my Series 7 and an 85% on my Series 66! Keep
up the good work!
Ivan Griffin,
Roach, MO
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