What are people saying?
I successfully passed on the first attempt my Series 82 exam today after using the Solomon Exam Prep course. It is an excellent online study tool.
The entire suite of exam prep offerings were very helpful as I could study at my own pace and customize my learning. I used the flashcards, quick and longer exams simulations and found the "Fast Facts" extremely useful as a final prep summary. I would highly recommend Solomon Exam Prep to anyone either just entering the securities industry or adding new licenses during their career.
Michael Ryan, Growth Capital Services. San Francisco, CA
After a lengthy absence from the securities industry, I again needed to get licensed. With the great help of Solomon, I did the SIE, Series 7, Series 63, and Series 82, in just over 5 months. The materials are comprehensive and I would recommend reading it all at least twice. Have realistic goals and meet them. Don't take too many days off as the quicker you learn the material the less likely your are to forget the initial stuff. I found the "Ask the Professor" feature to be particularly helpful (and responsive!). I hope I don't need further exams any time soon but, if I do, I will use Solomon.
Shawn Sullivan
Charlestowne Securities
Darien, CT
Your team did it again. I passed my 63 today, less than two weeks after the 82!!! Your study system is perfect, and your practice questions do an amazing job preparing for the exam. If you're not an investment advisor, feel free to use this testimonial on your website!!!!
Jonathan Livi, Uber Capital Group, Great Neck, NY
The online exam simulator was essential to helping me pass the Series 82 on my first attempt!! Have always used Kaplan for previous FINRA exams, so didn't know what to expect at first, but I was definitely prepared for this exam! Great job to everyone at Solomon, especially the exam writers !!
Luke Garcia, Capital Group, West Chester, PA
Thank you, Jeremy, and the Solomon Exam Prep team for your tremendous support - just passed Series 82 on my first try.
Jeremy - your magnificent support was invaluable - right from the random "cold" query, via your website, in December down to the personalised care and coaching I received during my prep. Couldn't have nailed this without you & the team.
Shilpa Mathai, Applied Capital, Indianapolis IN
The Solomon Exam Prep materials for the Series 82 were great. I felt very well prepared for the exam. I only studied for one full week (probably about 40 hours) and completed the exam in 30 minutes and passed! Thrilled with the results.
Jessica Kates, Carnegie Growth Partners LLC. Philadelphia, PA
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