What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep materials are head and shoulders above any other company's products. I have purchased several other companies' materials and found that when it came time to take the crucial step of practice exams, every other company's answer explanations simply were too brief to be truly educational, or worse, sometimes contradictory to the text. That is when I turned to Solomon Exam Prep. After purchasing their materials, an actual team member emailed me almost every other day to ask how I was doing with my studying and offered assistance if I had questions. With this kind of support, you aren't trying to climb the mountain of becoming licensed alone! Finally, the owner also contacted me several times to thank me for my purchase and to check on my progress. There is no other company out there doing business in this exemplary way. Please be kind to yourself and START with Solomon Exam Prep materials for the BEST of success!
Rebecca Spadafore - Financial Advisor, LPL Financial. Meadville/Erie Area, PA
SIE, Series 7, Series 66
Feels so good to have
passed! (Series 7) It was about as challenging as I thought it would be and I'm glad the
study material prepared me for understanding the concepts, and not just
memorizing terms and formulas. Only changed two of the 15 answers for questions
I flagged for review and finished it with more than 90 minutes to spare. The
relief I felt upon seeing "Pass" was awesome!
Used Solomon materials for both the SIE and S7. So grateful to
these materials for helping me achieve a passing score on my first attempts of
both exams. The study guide and videos were thorough, comprehensive and easy to
follow. I found the pie charts extremely useful in helping me identify areas
where I needed more study, and was grateful for the Pass Probability feature in
giving me a bit of extra confidence before sitting for the exam. I would
absolutely recommend all of their materials to anyone taking this journey.
Andrew Nerys, Square Inc. San Francisco, CA
Dear Solomon Team,
Happy to inform you that I took and passed the Series 7 this past Tuesday. I
was not able to prepare as much as I had planned, and would not recommend
someone taking the exam at the point I was at in my preparation, but the
circumstances demanded it and it worked out. The depth and breadth of material
I was able to cover with Solomon obviously played no small part. I am deeply
grateful for your partnership for both the SIE and the 7 top-off as I
transition from law practice into an RIA compliance role. This has been a big
change and your materials and support have been indispensable. I want to
particularly note that your audiobook feature is a key distinguishing factor
for me. It undoubtedly helped me absorb the material and is an ideal complement
to material that is presented in such a way as to benefit those of us who need
to learn the “why’s” in the material and not just a series of
independently-existing spontaneously-combusted facts. I’m sure both methods
work for exam takers, but Solomon excels in the former. Also, as a dad to a
half-dozen crew and an auditory learner, an audiobook format helps when your
geographic coordinates at the start of a lesson are not the same as those at
the end. Thanks again to everyone at Solomon!
Eduardo Mordujovich, Gainesville, FL
Solomon Exam Prep helped me pass the Series SIE, 63, 65 and 7 exams. The study materials are easy to understand and practice exams were very helpful, especially with the passing probability to gauge my exam readiness. The instructor for all web classes were really worth it as I could get directly answers for my questions. I couldn't have pass these exams without Solomon's help. Thank you!
Just passed the Series 7 on the first attempt! Many questions on the FINRA exam forced me to consider scenarios from a different perspective, and the conceptual understanding the Solomon materials and study plan facilitated allowed me to apply my knowledge appropriately. If I need another license in the future, I'll rely on Solomon to help me prepare.
Dave Stakland
Cambridge Investment Research
Fairfield, IA
I found encouragement along the way from reading other people's testimonials, so payback is to write one of my own. Solomon is the gold standard for customer service. I passed the 66, SIE first tries -- received a 69% on the 7 (failed), but passed on the 2nd attempt. I'm in awe over the outreach I received from day 1 but especially from Jeremy on how to move forward after falling short on the Series 7 - followed his advice - one of which was to get the accompanying videos and passed. Watching/studying the Chapter 5 video had a big impact. I also printed the questions I got wrong that I particularly struggled with while taking the online exams, printed and/or turned them into flashcards, then taped many of them around the house. It forced me to constantly revisit the information and moved me past a superficial understanding. I'll take a messy-looking home for a short time than having to retake a 3 hour and 45 minute exam.
Brook Langston, Everspire. Salt Lake City, UT
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