What are people saying?
I passed my 27 and I can't thank you enough for the preparation materials, most importantly the Final Exams. I studied for weeks for this test and buckled down the last two weeks of 6 hour study days. It's a great feeling and I couldn't have done it without you!!!
Amanda Whitney, Great Nation Investment Corporation, Amarillo, TX
Last August 2020 I passed the Series 28 on the first try using your materials. I just wanted to drop in and let you know I passed the Series 27 exam today!! I am so happy today as I took the test in Jan of this year and missed it by 3 points. I switched up my focus and really zoned in the most heavily weighted chapters. This is by far the hardest exam I have taken. Thank you Solomon for your excellent study materials. I'll be back when I pass the next one ;)
Nikita Brown, BMI. Atlanta, GA
Thanks to Solomon I was able to pass the SIE, Series 7, and Series 63, great study material if you put the hours in!
Xavier Mata, Cabrera Capital Markets. Chicago, IL
I PASSED. A big thank you to Solomon Exam Prep for breaking down the material for the Series 65 exam into understandable information. I started my exam prep journey with another provider and their material was simply too wordy and full of unnecessary information. I switched to Solomon Exam Prep and the material was easy to follow and I PASSED. Thanks so much for being there for me.
Tammy Gladstone, State Farm Insurance, California, MD
Thank you, Solomon! I passed the SIE and am now working on Series 7. Coming from a background outside of Wealth Management and Finance, I found this material very user friendly. I regularly used the iPhone app as well as the online material, followed the study guide and took A LOT of practice tests. I am grateful for the team at Solomon with a special call out to Madi B and Jeremy S who gave me additional support whenever I needed it. I look forward to the Series 7 content as I was very impressed with the SIE content.
Jeremy Johnson, RBC Wealth Management. Green Bay, WI
After multiple failed attempts at the Series 6, I felt somewhat defeated. I reached out to Solomon for guidance and I was more than impressed with the response I received.
The study material was outstanding and the program structure is truly designed to help you pass! Jeremy Solomon was truly my biggest fan and I can't thank him enough for his help!
Solomon is by far the best company out there for test preparation; don't waste any more money on the others this is all you will need to pass!
Tory Hamlin, Agency Owner, Jacksonville, FL
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