What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep materials are head and shoulders above any other company's products. I have purchased several other companies' materials and found that when it came time to take the crucial step of practice exams, every other company's answer explanations simply were too brief to be truly educational, or worse, sometimes contradictory to the text. That is when I turned to Solomon Exam Prep. After purchasing their materials, an actual team member emailed me almost every other day to ask how I was doing with my studying and offered assistance if I had questions. With this kind of support, you aren't trying to climb the mountain of becoming licensed alone! Finally, the owner also contacted me several times to thank me for my purchase and to check on my progress. There is no other company out there doing business in this exemplary way. Please be kind to yourself and START with Solomon Exam Prep materials for the BEST of success!
Rebecca Spadafore - Financial Advisor, LPL Financial. Meadville/Erie Area, PA
SIE, Series 7, Series 66
Great preparation for a first-time-go on my SIE exam! Used the audio book for my commutes, and the presentation was good addition to back up the book. I leveraged the exam simulator which was priceless in making me feel like I was prepared for the exam. And, once I got into the test, I was prepared enough that I wondered if the real exam was going to get more difficult at the end...? I felt confident and well-prepared. Will be ordering the top-off shortly! Thanks for a great product and outstanding support!
Jeff Hughes, Cambridge Investment Research. Fairfield, IA
My sincere thanks and appreciation to the team at Solomon. I've used your materials to pass the SIE and Series 6, both on the first try, and today with your help, I have passed the Series 26 exam on the first try as well!
Thank you for the excellent materials and assistance!
Kristina Ribali, MWA Financial Services. Ave Maria, FL
All test from FINRA should never be taken lightly. The Solomon course work and exercise materials prepared me well for the SIE exam of which I passed the first time. I am onto prepping for the Series 79 and will once again use Jeremy Solomon’s resources and program. Thank you, Jeremy, for the outstanding support!
Constantino (Tony) Quintong Jr, Securieon Group. Carmel by the Sea, CA
I took the SIE with Solomon Exam Prep and I have to say; the layout of the topics, the practice questions and the explanations of each subject matter is wonderful. They make it clear to follow and understand what the concepts are. Going back to re-try my Series 7 with them instead of my other book.
Ufy Sada, Morgan Stanley, Columbus, OH
Passed SIE today! The tools and layout here was instrumental in my success. On to the S7...
Ronald Adams
Northwestern Mutual
Milwaukee, WI
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