What are people saying?
I could not have passed [the Series 66] without your very comprehensive program. Thanks!
Arthur Almassy,
Scottsdale, AZ
I passed the Series 66 today with an 85%. Your book and PDF test questions were great, and turned out to be the only study material I needed to pass the test on the first try. I'll look to you again when I need my Series 7. Thanks!
Joshua Reeves, San Diego, CA
So, on this exam [Series 66] I used both your material and Kaplan. mainly because the bank had already paid for kaplan and I had grown accustom to your laid back writing style along with a great mp3 version of the book. Anyway, I got a fair amount of questions from both the kaplan material and your material before taking the test. I have to say that your material matched more closely to the test than I ever would have expected. I will be coming back to Solomon exam prep for ALL of my exam prep needs. :-) Thanks!
Marshall Wolfe,
Hopkinsville, KY
I used Solomon Exam Prep for both the Series 7 and the 66 which I took within a couple of months of each other. I smoked both tests with an 85% and an 88%. Well above the passing score. The books have just enough humor to keep things interesting and the practice tests and quizzes are phenomenal. If you want to get the most out of these programs pound out as many practice test as you can.
K. Nick Thoeni, Gilroy, CA
I passed the Series 66! I cannot even begin to say thank you enough times. I continue to be impressed and amazed by your program.
Sarah Boone,
Wells Fargo, Atlanta, GA
Thank you so much and special thanks to the
product you put out!! I did not know about Solomon a year ago when I took the
Series 7 and I used another company's material. I did not pass the 7 first time
and I was extremely nervous about the 66. However your product was
wonderful and thanks to you guys I passed the 66 on my first try!!! Can't thank you
Maria Raspa,
Merrill Lynch,
Wellesley Hills, MA
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