What are people saying?
I passed the Series 63 after using the study materials from Solomon. The practice exam and quizzes were the most amount of help. How the questions are asked really makes a difference. It gets your mind ready for how the exam will phrase the questions. Highly recommend this to anyone taking the Series 6 and/or 63. Great material! Will be returning for the Series 7 in the future.
Joseph DeLoach, WoodmenLife, Eatonton, GA
I used Solomon Exam prep for my series 63 and passed the first time with flying colors. I did have a couple questions on the real exam that seemed almost verbatim from their practice tests. The audio books were really helpful since I'm on the go a lot. Her voice was a little obnoxious, but helpful. There was a great mix of test questions for all the practice tests so I wasn't just memorizing the questions, but rather I was memorizing material. I'd use them again for any future test.
I love Solomon Exam
Prep. The combination of studying the online test questions, textbook, and
online live video course helped me get a 90% on both the Series 6 and 63 the
first time! The staff is friendly and my online instructor was phenomenal! I
will definitely use Solomon again when I prepare for the 65 and recommend them
to everyone!
Hunter Lowe Lappen, Easton, MD
Earlier this month I passed the Series 6 using the book and then for the Series 63, I read the book first (like always) and after that I was practicing all the time in your web page (about ten times by chapter, in order to master it). I studied the 63 in about 2 weeks and let me tell you that your website and the immediate feedback helped me a lot (I got an 85 in my test). Thank you very much!
Maricella Tenorio Bocangel, New York Life, New York, NY
I passed my Series 63 today with an 85% and Series 6 two weeks back with an 80%. I was very nervous, but studying was made easy with Solomon Exam Prep; their simple Plain English explanations helped fight that legalese on the Series 63 especially. I totally owe this to the Solomon team, their awesome question bank, and friendly staff. "Ask the Professor" is prompt in answering all your queries. I'm definitely recommending their program to my employer.
Priya R, PA
Jeremy I scored a 90% on the 63. Your answering questions for me - even at near midnight on a Friday night (dude... Seriously? I tell people that I have no life...you may have a similar problem) was invaluable. I took the Series 6 on Thursday afternoon - it took me about an hour and forty five minutes - and this time I walked out of the testing center with a 80%. Thanks again!
Glenn Christ, Houston, Texas
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