What are people saying?
Well, I finally was able to take my Series 65 and passed with an 85%. I think that the combination of your Series 65 text along with our other vendor made all the difference. It was good to have an additional reference for clarity and in some cases more detailed and straight forward discussion. Thank you for the materials.
Alesia Mullis, Churchill Financial, Louisville, KY
Very good material and well
planned to help you pass the first time (Series 65). The audio tape
structure is easy to listen to along with the reading material. Clear and
to the point. Nothing dry about your material. Thank you. Highly recommend.
Carlos Acosta, GoldBox Wealth, San Antonio, TX
I had my licenses but I let them lapse after I sold my firm. Now we're starting a new firm and I needed a refresher and studied your book and used the exam simulator. I passed the Series 65 and your materials were a big help. Now I am back for the Series 7 and I want your book, audio book and exam simulator. Thanks for an excellent product.
Jason Luquire Pawleys Island, SC
Solomon Exam Prep helped me pass the Series SIE, 63, 65 and 7 exams. The study materials are easy to understand and practice exams were very helpful, especially with the passing probability to gauge my exam readiness. The instructor for all web classes were really worth it as I could get directly answers for my questions. I couldn't have pass these exams without Solomon's help. Thank you!
My name is Michael Urbanski, CPA and I was able to pass the Series 65 exam on my first attempt. For me, I like to study from all the credible resources I can find. Using exam simulators and exposing yourself to as many sample exam questions helps to learn how an exam is written. I would recommend using these materials to help YOU pass the exams you chose to sit for.
Michael Urbanski, CPA Toledo, OH
My oldest son purchased your Solomon audio exam guide to pass his Series 7, and I did the same for the Series 65 exam at his recommendation. Although I am 62 and have been out of college for forty(40) years, I passed my Series 65 exam on my first try. This would NOT have been possible without your excellent study materials. Thank you! for the service you provide to all aspiring test takers where so much is on the line!
Most Sincerely,
David Hartzell
Cornell Capital Management
David Hartzell, Cornell Capital Management, New York
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