What are people saying?
I successfully passed on the first attempt my Series 82 exam today after using the Solomon Exam Prep course. It is an excellent online study tool.
The entire suite of exam prep offerings were very helpful as I could study at my own pace and customize my learning. I used the flashcards, quick and longer exams simulations and found the "Fast Facts" extremely useful as a final prep summary. I would highly recommend Solomon Exam Prep to anyone either just entering the securities industry or adding new licenses during their career.
Michael Ryan, Growth Capital Services. San Francisco, CA
I passed the 82 and 63 within a few months coming from no financial background. The exam simulator is fantastic and has a large pool of questions.
Taylor Hawks, Maraboyina Capital. Dallas, TX
I just passed the 82 on my first attempt. The study guide and unlimited practice study exams are priceless. I took full practice exams until I was scoring in the 90's and I'm glad I did. The questions on the actual exam were more difficult than any of my practice exams but I was able to think through them and apparently answer enough questions correctly. I truly wouldn't have passed this exam without all of the practice exams Solomon offered.
Adam Drewry, Parsonex Securities. Denver, CO
The Solomon Exam Prep materials for the Series 82 were great. I felt very well prepared for the exam. I only studied for one full week (probably about 40 hours) and completed the exam in 30 minutes and passed! Thrilled with the results.
Jessica Kates, Carnegie Growth Partners LLC. Philadelphia, PA
I took the Series 82 just four weeks after passing the SIE. I followed the study plan, took tons of the great practice tests, got great advice from Karen, and everything worked out well. It was literally the perfect test prep experience. The materials themselves were not overly long as with other groups, it was the exactly right amount, and the Exam Simulator is just awesome, best one of its kind I've ever used. 100% rating. Thank you, Solomon!
Jonathan Roth, DAK Capital/DAK Group, Rochelle Park, NJ
After a lengthy absence from the securities industry, I again needed to get licensed. With the great help of Solomon, I did the SIE, Series 7, Series 63, and Series 82, in just over 5 months. The materials are comprehensive and I would recommend reading it all at least twice. Have realistic goals and meet them. Don't take too many days off as the quicker you learn the material the less likely your are to forget the initial stuff. I found the "Ask the Professor" feature to be particularly helpful (and responsive!). I hope I don't need further exams any time soon but, if I do, I will use Solomon.
Shawn Sullivan
Charlestowne Securities
Darien, CT
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