What are people saying?
I utilized the Solomon SIE and Series 6 Top-Off study guide package.
I passed on the first time by following the exact recommendations. While the test is different than the study exam questions it covers the content in a detailed way preparing you to successfully pass the exam. Great product and customer service!
Michael Gehrich, Allstate Insurance, Ft Myers, FL
Well, I am back! Solomon did it again. I passed the Series 6. All of Solomons materials throughly prepared me for the passing of the SIE and the Series 6. Whose materials will I use for the Series 63? I am glad you asked. I must say it will be Solomon Exam Prep. Thanks again, Solomon your study materials are the best!
Leanene Carriere. Houston, TX
THANK YOU SOLOMON! I passed the SIE in December and Series 6 in February. I do not have a background in finance. The study materials prepared me wonderfully for the exams. I used the study schedule - took a ton of practice exams and re-read the material. Also, the testimonials were very encouraging, so I had to share that I had the same amazing experience. Thank you so much!
Candace Chavez, Cetera Investment Services. Wimberley, TX
For the Series 6 exam, I used the Solomon 4-week study schedule. I
really didn't do anything special, I just stuck to the study schedule each day.
I used the app on my phone quite a bit for convenience.
The Solomon Live Class was timed perfectly one week prior to my
exam, so it turned out to be somewhat of a review session, which is what I had
hoped it would be. The concepts covered in the Live Class were helpful because
McCallister broke them down into plain English and
real-world examples.
The one place I varied from the study schedule was in the number
of times I took the Exam Simulator. I took the Exam Simulator Practice Test 36
times and monitored my Pass Probability. Once I had my Pass Probability at 90%,
I felt I was ready.
Arthur Priddy, Farmers Insurance. Jackson, Tennessee
Thank you so much for your great study materials! I have used you to pass my Series 6, 63 and most recently my Series 7 all on the first try. The practice exams and video lectures were great and extremely helpful. Will definitely be using your study material for any future exams and will recommend you to other people
Louis Orsatti, NY LIFE Securities, Boston, MA
I was struggling with my Series 6. I was referred to Steve Kaplan by a colleague. Steve told me to throw away my other study materials from the other school and use the Solomon Products. I found the information to be easier to understand. Along with Steve's test taking tips, I passed my Series 6 with no problem
Ruby Crenshaw, The Crenshaw Agency. Atlanta, GA
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