What are people saying?
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
the Series 7 was a requirement for my current position. After seeing the
material and dedication Solomon Exam Prep put into the SIE material, I knew
Solomon’s material would be perfect for me again. I had access to STC material
and tried to go through it first but it was too content heavy and at certain
points, very confusing. I decided to move back over to Solomon for the 7 and
was blown away yet again by how great the material is. Solomon has figured out
how to properly prepare people for this exam in my opinion. Solomon Exam Prep
focuses on teaching the concept rather than bogging you down with so much
material. THAT IS SO HELPFUL! Of course the material is important but it’s
extensive. After using Solomon Exam Prep for the Series 7, I was able to fully
understand the concepts which made it so much easier to select the best
questions on the exams. All the other training programs bury you deep with
content, which makes it almost impossible to understand the concepts. If you
get questions on the exam that you have not seen before, only knowing specific
material will not help you. But if you understand the concepts (like Solomon
Exam Prep helped me do) you can break down the question and find the best
answer based on your understanding of the concept as a whole. That’s a much
better method and Solomon Exam Prep has figured this out! I strongly suggest
buying the study guide. You won’t regret it!
Jared M.
Albany, New York
I passed the S7 TO first time it was introduced from last year. I have used several books and none of them could be as complete as this one. I am a living witness to the completeness of your course material. If that was not the case, I would not have passed this very difficult exam. I owe my success to your exam materials and no other book, from those I know have come close. I am going to study for the Series 66 through Solomon Exam Prep. If this can help me through, then I am sure many more people would also succeed.
Stalin Miki, Bankerslife, Miami, FL
Solomon is the BEST!!! Passed the Series 7 on the first try. The lessons are videos and lessons are good. The practice exams are EXCELLENT. Focus on options and muni's. Load up on practice exams and you will be fine. Thank you Solomon!!!
Brandon Collins, Benchmark. Memphis, TN
Just passed the series 7 today! Solomon was a huge help, as I used the practice exams exclusively. When preparing for this exam, make sure to allocate ~70% of your time on compliance, opening accounts etc. Looking forward to passing the series 66. I will continue using Solomon!
Blake Rossman, True Wealth Financial Partners. Fircrest, WA
I studied for the Series 7, 79, and 82 with Solomon Exam Prep, and I never scored lower than a 90% on the actual exam! The Study Guides are easy to understand, and the Online Exam Simulator really prepares you. I just purchased the Series 24 Essential Package today!
Michael McGregor,
Focus Bankers,
Charlotte, NC
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