What are people saying?
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
I passed the Series 7 yesterday with an 87% using only your book and online practice tests. Thanks!
Aaron Johnson,
Humble, TX
Just passed my Series 7 using Solomon Exam Prep! Have used Solomon for my Series 79 as well. Both study programs are excellent and felt well prepared sitting for my exams. Would recommend to others in the industry.
Natasha Trilli, Ocean Park. Houston, TX
I had a super rough go passing this (Series 7) exam due to a number of personal circumstances, but on my third attempt, I finally passed, with 30 minutes to spare! After my second failed attempt (I failed by ONE question), I spoke to Jeremy Solomon on the phone and via email, and he provided me with some strategies to help me pass the exam once and for all. I focused heavily on rereading the study guide, and teaching concepts to my spouse so that I wasn’t just learning the information, but really understanding it to the point where I could teach it to someone else. The exam simulators are super helpful, but don’t overdo it… this really isn’t the kind of test where you can only learn by doing practice questions. Re-watching the video lectures was very helpful for me as well. I also recommend making flash cards for memorization purposes. If you fail like me, don’t give up - perseverance (and more studying) will get you to the finish line!
Molly Magnuson, CBIZ Retirement & Investment Solutions. Kansas City, MO
The vocabulary on the
test was slightly different, (they used the word tendered a lot) and so
navigating the different financial vocabulary was a minor challenge. That being
said, I felt comfortable in my knowledge and was able to break down and
understand a large majority of the exam because of Solomon Exam Prep. I passed
and felt confident!
I am so happy with Solomon! So far, I've passed the SIE and
Series 7 exam because I used their program to study. I am currently using their
program to study for the Series 66 now. The practice exams are invaluable and
are the best way to learn! I would give 10/5 stars.
Abbigayle Hanoch, LPL Financial. Ventura, CA
I passed first try!
Three hours and forty-five minutes might seem like a long time, but it flew by. The Solomon Exam Prep
conditioned me very well. Utilizing the chapter quizzes and practice exams
really helped apply my learning, and also helped with time management. (Series 7)
Ryan Thibault, PNC Investments. Lakewood, OH.
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