What are people saying?
I successfully passed the test [Series 65] thanks to you guys!!!!
Chad Cook,
Old West Investment Management,
Los Angeles, CA
I am 73 years old and have been retired for 5 years. My fulfilling career of 38 years was mainly as a portfolio manager in a trust setting. A good friend of mine recently started an RIA and asked me to consider coming to work for him. Since I loved my job and retirement is boring in comparison, the decision to jump back in was rather easy. You know the old saying: if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. But yes, I must first pass Series 65. The study materials and whole program you have constructed are excellent. I read the phone-book sized reading materials and took many practice exams on the website. Just this morning I sat for the test and passed. Hooray!! I am convinced that your test preparation process made the exam seem easy. So I will recommend to anyone preparing for a securities exam to definitely consider getting your program. Thanks again for your outstanding program and guidance."
Rick Hinchberger
Dover Advisors LLC
Special thanks to Solomon for ensuring I pass the 65! Trust in the material and you will pass. I bought multiple resources and by far, Solomon was the best. Thanks again.
Paige Robino,
Fisher Investments,
Plano, TX
As an international student from Bogota, Colombia who recently graduated from Principia College in Business administration and economics, I was looking for the best learning software alternative to study for the Series 65 exam. When I started using Solomon Exam Prep, I realized it was the best option due to its friendly platform, extensive question bank, detailed video lessons and meticulously written study guide for the test. As a native Spanish speaker, I was afraid that I wasn't going to understand, but thanks to Solomon Exam Prep's user friendly guide, I was able to understand every concept from multiple points of view with the help of the video lessons, study guide, note cards and audiobook. I am so grateful that I got to finish the program in 8 weeks start my training as an Investment Adviser Representative for Challenger Wealth Management at 24 years old!
Esteban Rojas Acuna, Challenger Wealth Management. Los Angeles, CA
Just wanted you to know, I passed the Series 65 exam on the first attempt. Your book was easy and enjoyable to read, all of the important information was very well explained. But I found your online quizzes and exams extremely helpful in getting the material entrenched in my memory. I was very comfortable with the format and wording of the questions on the actual exam after drilling with your online program. Thank you for enabling me to move to the next level of my career.
Robert Rosenbaum, Sarasota, FL
I have to commend everyone at Solomon Exam Prep in getting me ready for and helping me pass my "Series 65" State Securities Law exam. I did not have a securities background nor did I work in the industry, and at 51 years old it was a challenge for me to go back to hitting the books. In addition to studying for the exam I was running my full time business and working 60+ hours a week. But with their help and support I passed on my first attempt.
Philip Schweik, Global View Capital Advisors, Wausau, WI
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