What are people saying?
I passed the 63 and 65 the practice questions are much more difficult than the actual exam. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs to be challenged and wants to pass the first time out.
David Lewis, Northwestern Mutual, New York, NY
I just wanted to let you know I took the Series 65(85), Series 63(90) and Series 7(90) and am pleased as can be with your guides and practice materials. Not only do they contain the facts that are needed to pass the exams, but are actually presented in a format that you are still interested and awake by the time you get there! Really brilliant instructions.
Michael, CPA, Registered Representative
I learned the material quickly and passed the Series 65 with flying colors. It was fun to listen while driving, and it was easy to absorb the information—just like being taught by an entertaining young professor!
Chris McConnell, Adondo Corporation, Wayne, PA
I passed the series 65! I used the Solomon exam prep Material to take the series 65. I had previously used the Kaplan material and did not find the materials to be that good. The book, audio tape and exam question bank were amazing. It was hard to go to the center wearing a mask during this Coronavirus time period. I don’t think I would’ve passed this Series 65 without Solomon. Thank you
Gail Abrams, The Investment Center, Inc. Watchung, NJ
The material and
website were very well organized and thorough. I felt I was prepared for the
actual, real test when I took it because I had gone through their range of
questions with all the practice tests that I could do on their website,
covering every topic, approached with different angles.
Stacey Sperry, Durham, NC
Just wanted you to know, I passed the Series 65 exam on the first attempt. Your book was easy and enjoyable to read, all of the important information was very well explained. But I found your online quizzes and exams extremely helpful in getting the material entrenched in my memory. I was very comfortable with the format and wording of the questions on the actual exam after drilling with your online program. Thank you for enabling me to move to the next level of my career.
Robert Rosenbaum, Sarasota, FL
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