What are people saying?
I successfully passed the test [Series 65] thanks to you guys!!!!
Chad Cook,
Old West Investment Management,
Los Angeles, CA
Very good material and well
planned to help you pass the first time (Series 65). The audio tape
structure is easy to listen to along with the reading material. Clear and
to the point. Nothing dry about your material. Thank you. Highly recommend.
Carlos Acosta, GoldBox Wealth, San Antonio, TX
I thought the study material from Solomon Exam Prep was
great. It helped me focus on the sections where I needed to study the
most. I passed with an 81% on my first try for the Series 65 exam.
I would definitely use Solomon Exam Prep again if I need to get any more
Michael, Portland, OR
My oldest son purchased your Solomon audio exam guide to pass his Series 7, and I did the same for the Series 65 exam at his recommendation. Although I am 62 and have been out of college for forty(40) years, I passed my Series 65 exam on my first try. This would NOT have been possible without your excellent study materials. Thank you! for the service you provide to all aspiring test takers where so much is on the line!
Most Sincerely,
David Hartzell
Cornell Capital Management
David Hartzell, Cornell Capital Management, New York
I passed the Series 65 on the first try and I would absolutely give credit to this tool. We all learn in vastly different ways, so having the options available for a study guide, audiobook, video training, flash cards, practice tests - and ALL of the other resources available was critical to my success. I've been out of school for over a decade and remembering HOW to study was hard. I'm so glad I had all of these options.
Ashley Dunning, Inspire Investing. Kansas City, MO
I am delighted to be able to tell you that I passed my Series 65 exam on my first attempt earlier today. Although I am an experienced adviser my work has previously all been in the UK and servicing UK Expats so have had no previous experience in the US or its regulatory framework.
My only resource was the Solomon Exam Prep module for Series 65. It had everything I needed including prompt (super quick) responses to queries from real people. Even on a Sunday which I find incredible.
A big thank you to you and the whole staff; I have recommended you to a number of people and will continue to do so; worth every penny.
Jonathan Brookes, Hoxton Capital, Austin TX
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