What are people saying?
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
Your material was great. I took the Series 65 in March [2010] and passed with a 90%.
Mark S., Baker, Vermont
I have used other providers in the past for the 62 and
decided to try something new this time due to passing that by a thin margin out
of luck. I passed the 65 first try with
an 88% all thanks to Solomon Exam Prep and its effective 5-week program. The book is thorough and easy to follow and
the endless question bank with detailed explanations ensures that you will
never see a repeat and never have to worry about question memorization (which
is CRITICAL when you are assessing how ready you are based off of practice
tests). The quizzes and exams require a
deeper level of understanding, unlike other providers that test you with
elementary questions only to leave the actual exam to feel unpleasantly
difficult. The practice quizzes provide
a very convenient way to focus on your weak areas and the full simulation exams
feel very much like the actual test and in my experience, made the real exam
seem surprisingly easy. The practice
questions also reinforce important test taking skills and taught me to approach
questions in a more disciplined way than before. Finally, I gave the “ask the professor”
function a try and they are VERY responsive and clearly have a passion for
seeing their clients succeed. I couldn’t
be happier with this program and even though you might hear about the other
test prep companies more often, Solomon IS the most effective.
Bates Parsons, Denver, CO
Special thanks to Solomon for ensuring I pass the 65! Trust in the material and you will pass. I bought multiple resources and by far, Solomon was the best. Thanks again.
Paige Robino,
Fisher Investments,
Plano, TX
I just passed the Series 65 exam – thanks, Jeremy! Your excellent and enjoyable book and challenging practice exams-and-quizzes were my only resources. This exam kicked my butt, but I was able to accomplish the only essential task – simply "to pass" – because of the thoroughness (and the plain English and occasional humor) of these two essential test prep materials. Here's my warning -- don't underestimate the difficulty of this exam! I highly recommend that fellow Series 65'ers keep taking the practice exams and quizzes until they can comfortably get a score of 80+ before scheduling their exam; you need to go into the exam room with the confidence that this crucial simulated test-taking experience will provide. I'm so grateful for your help!
Jeff Hartnett, Portland, OR
I passed the series 65! I used the Solomon exam prep Material to take the series 65. I had previously used the Kaplan material and did not find the materials to be that good. The book, audio tape and exam question bank were amazing. It was hard to go to the center wearing a mask during this Coronavirus time period. I don’t think I would’ve passed this Series 65 without Solomon. Thank you
Gail Abrams, The Investment Center, Inc. Watchung, NJ
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