What are people saying?
I just passed the Series 66 exam and found that the Solomon Exam Prep materials are the way to go when preparing for this exam. The advice given from the get-go is spot on; if you think you can cram for this course, forget it. Use the materials as advised and you'll do well. The format of the practice exams closely simulate the way the questions are presented on the test itself. I had 2 prep materials, Solomon's and another and I honestly believe Solomon's was the one that helped the most.
Julio Revuelta, Wealth Management Firm, Miami, FL
Karen and Team Solomon, thank you so much for all your support.
Your Series 7 program was easy to understand. The "Ask the Professor"
was invaluable for the Series 66. You are the program of choice for our office.
Kirk, PA
I used Solomon Exam Prep for both the Series 7 and the 66 which I took within a couple of months of each other. I smoked both tests with an 85% and an 88%. Well above the passing score. The books have just enough humor to keep things interesting and the practice tests and quizzes are phenomenal. If you want to get the most out of these programs pound out as many practice test as you can.
K. Nick Thoeni, Gilroy, CA
the Series 66 on my first attempt. I thought the exam simulator was perfect.
The material gave me the confidence I needed going into test day. I will only
use Solomon for any other exams I take in the future. Thank you!
Brendan Halick, David White & Associates, Walnut Creek, CA
I passed the Series 66 exam with an 83 this morning! I wanted to personally thank you for all the help you have given me. Your method of presenting the information needed to pass these exams is outstanding (I only had two weeks to study). In the future I wouldn't even consider using another resource to tackle the preparation for a Series exam. Moving forward in my career I will be sure to pass this information on to friends and colleagues without hesitation.
Michael F. Lee, Jr. Hatteras Funds, Raleigh, NC
I passed my 66 with an 83%. The main method of studying was the mp3 that I downloaded and listened to on my commute to and from work. The audio book was the reason I did well. Thanks!
Eric Dicken, BB&T Investments, Winterville, NC
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