What are people saying?
I passed the Series 66 exam with an 83 this morning! I wanted to personally thank you for all the help you have given me. Your method of presenting the information needed to pass these exams is outstanding (I only had two weeks to study). In the future I wouldn't even consider using another resource to tackle the preparation for a Series exam. Moving forward in my career I will be sure to pass this information on to friends and colleagues without hesitation.
Michael F. Lee, Jr. Hatteras Funds, Raleigh, NC
Thank you so much for your great study
materials! I have used Kaplan in the past and this is so much better! I used
your study materials to get an 84% on my Series 7 and an 85% on my Series 66! Keep
up the good work!
Ivan Griffin,
Roach, MO
Thank you so much Solomon Prep for helping me to be able to successfully pass all three of my exams (SIE, Series 7 and Series 66) in a relatively short period of time. The exam packages were excellent! I will continue to refer people to your amazing program!
Jessica Macci, Goldman Sachs. Albany, NY
I have been extremely happy with your book series. I was able to pass the Series 66 and Series 65 with flying colors on the first try! Thanks again.
Christian Brown, Financial Decisions Group
After hearing horror stories about people struggling and in some cases failing the Series 66, after easily passing the series 7, I invested in both the Series 66 audio book and the Series 66 on-line tests. I passed my Series 66 exam with an 87%!
Mardee Formales, Wells Fargo, San Diego, CA
I passed my Series 66, 1st try. Your audiobook was the game changer for me. Thank you!
S Stephens, Merrill Lynch. Orlando, FL
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