What are people saying?
I passed the Series 66 exam with an 83 this morning! I wanted to personally thank you for all the help you have given me. Your method of presenting the information needed to pass these exams is outstanding (I only had two weeks to study). In the future I wouldn't even consider using another resource to tackle the preparation for a Series exam. Moving forward in my career I will be sure to pass this information on to friends and colleagues without hesitation.
Michael F. Lee, Jr. Hatteras Funds, Raleigh, NC
The Series 66 Exam Prep offered by Solomon Exam Prep
is exceptional. I used both the textbook and the exam simulator as
my only study materials for the exam and passed with an 88. The Solomon material is written in a way which is easy to understand and digest. The exam simulator
was excellent in preparing me with quizzes and full length practice tests to
focus on my points on weakness and prepare me for the real thing! I would
highly recommend both of these products to anyone!
Luke Bowes,
Seymour, TN
I actually took the test (Series 66) in November and passed! I purchased the book and bought access to the online tests and found both invaluable. The book provided a good basis for knowledge, and taking the tests over and over gave me the logic of what the test writers were seeking.
Erik Cooper, Dallas, TX
I could not have passed without your study program Two secrets.... ipad2 and 1400 practice questions. Scored a 78. [Series 66]
Scott Harrison
The Standard
Woodland Hills, CA
I passed the Series 66 today with an 85%. Your book and PDF test questions were great, and turned out to be the only study material I needed to pass the test on the first try. I'll look to you again when I need my Series 7. Thanks!
Joshua Reeves, San Diego, CA
Passed the Series 66 today! This program really helped me succeed. The pie charts helped me focus on where I needed to put in more work.
Stephen Rice, Edward jones. Prairie Village, KS
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