What are people saying?
I successfully passed the series 66 test yesterday! I could honestly say it was one of the happiest days of my life! I want to personally thank the excellent staff at Solomon exam prep! They are so knowledgeable and when I asked questions, they always went over the top with explanations and even sometimes creating charts for me to break down the concept. I felt really well served by this group.
If you are looking for a company to help you succeed, you have found it Within Solomon exam prep team!
Shirley Antonini. Schuylkill Haven, PA
Jeremy, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you so much for your wonderful product! Your study guides helped me pass the 7, 66, 24, 52, and 53 all within 2 and a half months. Thank you again!
Christopher Kriak,
Compliance Analyst,
PNC Investments,
Pittsburgh, PA
I have been extremely happy with your book series. I was able to pass the Series 66 and Series 65 with flying colors on the first try! Thanks again.
Christian Brown, Financial Decisions Group
The Pass the 66 book/audio series, as well as the timely responses I received from the professor, all led to my success in passing the Series 66. This is a test that must be taken seriously, and does just that.
Jason Abbamonte, Charles Schwab, Naples, FL
Your Pass the 7 and Pass the 66 training manuals were really well written and the generous dose of sarcasm was excellent. I would recommend your materials to anyone who needs to take these exams.
Jacob Clevenstine, Strategic Wealth Management Group, Madison, WI
I passed the Series 79, 7, and 66 thanks to your study guides. I scored an 85, 81 and 82, respectively. The exam simulator was highly useful and great preparation. I glossed over material I knew and really prepped topics related to laws and ethics, which these study guides effectively described and tested. I highly recommend Solomon!
Sean M, New York, NY
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