What are people saying?
The Solomon Exam Prep materials (book, audio tapes and
exam simulator) prepared us well for both the Series 79 and 63. It was a
very organized way to deal with the test taking tasks.
Jim Murphy, Belden Hill Partners, New York, NY
I've been using Solomon Exam Preparation materials for my last
four Series tests: the Series 82, Series 63, Series 79 and just recently the
Series 7. My scores on these tests were 88, 90, 88 and 90. The
Solomon texts were comprehensive and easy to read; everything you need to know
is in there. But there is so much material that these exams cover that
you have to read the texts several times over and take as many practice quizzes
and tests as you can until you score in the mid 80's. Then go in for the
test. That's what I did. I went in scoring in the mid 80's on
practice exams and "peaked" at higher scores while taking the actual
tests. You can't do any better than Solomon. I highly recommend
Michael McGregor, FOCUS Investment Banking, Charlotte, NC
I thought you might appreciate knowing that I passed the
test with a 90 today. Thanks again for all the help and good quality
material that your company has. I am very glad to have used your
materials and will certainly refer others to Solomon Exam Prep. (Series 6 & 63)
Matthew Baird, Gloversville, NY
I passed the 63 on the first try with Solomon Exam prep! The Exam Simulator was amazing and the Audiobook really helped!!!
Brad Eiden, Jefferson National, Louisville, KY
Great job with the Series 63 study material. I read the study guide, took notes against it, made flashcards and did tons of online tests just as the material suggested. Following the outline worked and I passed with plenty of room to spare. In particular, being able to access questions online is worlds better than how I remember studying for other exams in the past.
Tom L., Atlanta, GA
A more recent update after taking my Series 7 exam: Within one year of joining the financial industry, Solomon materials have gotten me a 100%, 4 for 4 pass rate with the SIE, S6, 63 and S7 all completed within 10 months. Once again, the materials and practice tests prepared me for the S7 exam better than I could've imagined. I will continue to refer people to Solomon, as the material, customer service, and whole experience has been unmatched.
Alex Coyne, Northwestern Mutual. Pensacola, FL
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