What are people saying?
Excellent study materials for the Series 63 exam. The practice exams were extremely helpful in my preparation and the exam simulator was a lifesaver as usual in solidifying what I learned (tip: read the answer explanations even if you got the question right). Highly recommend Solomon for the Series 63 exam.
Andrew L.
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
I LOVED your exam books;
passed 6 and 63 with flying colors.
Arthur Bracco,
New York, NY
Your "Pass the 7" guide and practice questions helped my studying immensely, and I passed the exam the first time. I am currently using the "Pass the 63" guide and practice questions - the teaching style makes the learning experience much more interesting! I will definitely recommend your products to my friends and colleagues. Thank you so much!
Patrick Chen, Midtown Partners, New York, NY
I passed the 63 and 65 the practice questions are much more difficult than the actual exam. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs to be challenged and wants to pass the first time out.
David Lewis, Northwestern Mutual, New York, NY
I have now used Solomon for the SIE, series 6, and 63. I am ordering my 7 materials now. The structure and resources are right on target. The practice exams are more difficult than the exam which makes taking the exam much easier. I give all of the credit to Solomon for my 100% pass rate so far. I recommend Solomon to all of my coworkers.
Alex Coyne, Northwestern Mutual. Pensacola, FL
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