What are people saying?
I successfully passed the test [Series 65] thanks to you guys!!!!
Chad Cook,
Old West Investment Management,
Los Angeles, CA
I passed the Series 65 with a 92% thanks to the Solomon practice exams. The questions on the practice exams were very similar to what I actually encountered on the actual exam, and the ability to take unlimited practice exams really built my knowledge and confidence. I highly recommend this product to anyone studying for the Series 65.
Neal Thompson, Denver, CO, Series 65
My name is Michael Urbanski, CPA and I was able to pass the Series 65 exam on my first attempt. For me, I like to study from all the credible resources I can find. Using exam simulators and exposing yourself to as many sample exam questions helps to learn how an exam is written. I would recommend using these materials to help YOU pass the exams you chose to sit for.
Michael Urbanski, CPA Toledo, OH
Your material was great. I took the Series 65 in March [2010] and passed with a 90%.
Mark S., Baker, Vermont
I just wanted to let you know I took the Series 65(85), Series 63(90) and Series 7(90) and am pleased as can be with your guides and practice materials. Not only do they contain the facts that are needed to pass the exams, but are actually presented in a format that you are still interested and awake by the time you get there! Really brilliant instructions.
Michael, CPA, Registered Representative
I learned the material quickly and passed the Series 65 with flying colors. It was fun to listen while driving, and it was easy to absorb the information—just like being taught by an entertaining young professor!
Chris McConnell, Adondo Corporation, Wayne, PA
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