What are people saying?
Great service, practice questions and mock exams were the key to passing. (Series 3)
Darragh Lenihan, Global Commodities Holdings Limited. Singapore
I would heartily recommend Solomon for anyone studying for the Series 3. The materials are comprehensive, the bank of questions vast and the responsiveness to questions incredibly impressive and detailed.
I passed first time and that in no small part is down to Solomon.
David Woolfenden
I initially studied using a different exam prep course (The Securities Institute of America). I waited until I consistently passed the practice exams with a score over 90% before I took the actual exam and unfortunately I failed the exam on my first attempt. I discovered and purchased the Solomon Exam Prep and immediately noticed the studying material was more in depth. I waited until my practice exam score was consistently over 85% and I went to take the actual exam and passed. Thank you so much!! (Series 3)
Joshua Turner, J.D. Turner Capital, LLC, Baltimore, MD
The study materials were spot on! Could not believe it. Topically perfect. Was confident before I hit submit that I had passed.
Peter Cisick, O.N. Equity Sales Co. Collegeville, PA
Thanks to the Solomon 79 exam class and online simulator I passed the 79! Your materials beat the competitors hands-down.
Shawn Leventhal,
New York, NY
I passed the Series 63 with the help of the Solomon materials. I loved the audio books and the quiz and test questions were extremely helpful. Thank you Solomon!
Diane Kotil, Quasar Distributors, Milwaukee, WI
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