What are people saying?
Great service, practice questions and mock exams were the key to passing. (Series 3)
Darragh Lenihan, Global Commodities Holdings Limited. Singapore
I would heartily recommend Solomon for anyone studying for the Series 3. The materials are comprehensive, the bank of questions vast and the responsiveness to questions incredibly impressive and detailed.
I passed first time and that in no small part is down to Solomon.
David Woolfenden
I initially studied using a different exam prep course (The Securities Institute of America). I waited until I consistently passed the practice exams with a score over 90% before I took the actual exam and unfortunately I failed the exam on my first attempt. I discovered and purchased the Solomon Exam Prep and immediately noticed the studying material was more in depth. I waited until my practice exam score was consistently over 85% and I went to take the actual exam and passed. Thank you so much!! (Series 3)
Joshua Turner, J.D. Turner Capital, LLC, Baltimore, MD
You guys produce a
great product, and your 82 materials really saved my life. Thanks.
Joshua M. Salisbury, Salisbury Financial, Atlanta, GA
Recently passed the Series 24 Exam. I owe it to the Solomon Exam Prep series. The format of study and testing preparation was easy to follow and comprehend. I had taken the exam before and used study material through a different provider. It did not give me the sense of readiness in the "connection of the dots" and time-management like the Solomon series did. Such a relief to see the word PASS.
Hope Brackin, Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., Auburn, AL
I used Solomon Exam Prep for both the 6 and the 63 and passed both of them on the first try. For the Series 6 I scored a 92 and for the Series 63 I scored a 75. The book was very insightful and helped quite a bit with passing, so thank you to your company.
Austin Kurey, Denver, CO
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