What are people saying?
I passed the series 22! Solomon's study materials and exams were the key to my preparation. I tried other companies first, and I knew something was off. After taking the FINRA exam, I know I would have failed if not for Solomon. I cannot overstate this. This test was difficult and foreign. Solomon helped me learn everything I needed to pass the series 22. Many thanks!
Jim Scott, AGES . Ocala, FL
Solomon Exam Prep was great! I passed my Series 22 with their materials. I failed my first time taking the exam using the Securities Institute of America's material. I was completely shocked because I did well in all my practice exams. So, I did extra research and found Solomon Exam Prep. It was exactly like the FINRA outline which was perfect. Highly suggest Solomon Exam Prep for Series 22.
Becky Eriksson, Cabin Securities. Los Angeles, CA
Recently passed the FINRA Series 22 Exam. Though the exam is short, the material is obscure and not what you deal with every day in the industry. Solomon did a great job of putting together material and providing a deep understanding. After about 6 weeks of studying and taking 2 practice exams a day, I passed the exam on the first try! Thanks for putting together a robust training product.
Eric Stroehle, Steelwater Wealth Management. Oakville, CT
Recently passed my Series 22 using the Solomon material. Failed the exam once previously using The Securities Institute of America material. Solomon gave me the tools in order to succeed and pass my exam. I highly recommend this material!
Cole Seelhammer. New Braunfels, TX
I passed my series 6 exam due to the Solomon Exam Prep online material and practice exams. Thank you Jeremy Solomon for personally calling and emailing me some tips/advice!
Kevin Lafleur, WoodmenLife, Ville Platte, LA, Series 6
I had a super rough go passing this (Series 7) exam due to a number of personal circumstances, but on my third attempt, I finally passed, with 30 minutes to spare! After my second failed attempt (I failed by ONE question), I spoke to Jeremy Solomon on the phone and via email, and he provided me with some strategies to help me pass the exam once and for all. I focused heavily on rereading the study guide, and teaching concepts to my spouse so that I wasn’t just learning the information, but really understanding it to the point where I could teach it to someone else. The exam simulators are super helpful, but don’t overdo it… this really isn’t the kind of test where you can only learn by doing practice questions. Re-watching the video lectures was very helpful for me as well. I also recommend making flash cards for memorization purposes. If you fail like me, don’t give up - perseverance (and more studying) will get you to the finish line!
Molly Magnuson, CBIZ Retirement & Investment Solutions. Kansas City, MO
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