What are people saying?
The Solomon Exam Prep materials (book, audio tapes and
exam simulator) prepared us well for both the Series 79 and 63. It was a
very organized way to deal with the test taking tasks.
Jim Murphy, Belden Hill Partners, New York, NY
Just passed the S63 exam on the second try. The only reason I failed the first time is that I didn't take enough timed practice exams. My advice is to take practice exams until you are blue in the face. I did that this time around and aced the exam. I've now passed both S7 (first try) and S63 with Solomon. Worth every penny.
D. G. Swanagain, New York Life, New York, NY
I was well prepared from using Solomon. Such
much so that I finished early enough to review the questions and my answers,
and determine my estimated score. Thanks! Great platform. Highly recommend using Solomon.
Max Thomas. Fort Lauderdale, FL
I love Solomon Exam
Prep. The combination of studying the online test questions, textbook, and
online live video course helped me get a 90% on both the Series 6 and 63 the
first time! The staff is friendly and my online instructor was phenomenal! I
will definitely use Solomon again when I prepare for the 65 and recommend them
to everyone!
Hunter Lowe Lappen, Easton, MD
Jeremy I scored a 90% on the 63. Your answering questions for me - even at near midnight on a Friday night (dude... Seriously? I tell people that I have no life...you may have a similar problem) was invaluable. I took the Series 6 on Thursday afternoon - it took me about an hour and forty five minutes - and this time I walked out of the testing center with a 80%. Thanks again!
Glenn Christ, Houston, Texas
I passed the Series 63 with an 86. Your system rocks!!!
Edward Giaco,
TaxCheck USA Investments
Broadview Heights, OH
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