What are people saying?
I passed the Series 63 after using the study materials from Solomon. The practice exam and quizzes were the most amount of help. How the questions are asked really makes a difference. It gets your mind ready for how the exam will phrase the questions. Highly recommend this to anyone taking the Series 6 and/or 63. Great material! Will be returning for the Series 7 in the future.
Joseph DeLoach, WoodmenLife, Eatonton, GA
I passed the Series 6 and the Series 63, and I feel like I would not have been able to do that without your practice exams for both. Thank you!
Hillary Gardiner, Austin, Texas
Passed the 63 with an 85%. The exam simulator was unbelievably helpful, but still make sure you understand the fundamental concepts and the questions are not always phrased the same way or in the same structure. It was significantly easier as there was some overlap with 79 materials, which I had also previously passed using Solomon materials.
Aaron Lau
Thanks! I am thrilled. I took the Series 7 three years ago and have been putting off the Series 63 after I failed the first time. I used your book and iPhone app. I am recommending your materials to everyone in my office that needs to take the 63 in the near future. Of course you can use my email as a testimonial. Everything that people have said on the testimonials is 100% correct. The way the materials are written makes it much less of a chore to read and comprehend. Thanks for the follow up email!
Julia Smith, RBC Wealth Management
I took the 6 and 63. I passed the 6 with a 90% and the 63 with an 87%. I used the test simulator for both and it was a tremendous help. I was actually studying using a different book and I wasn't getting enough info. The Test Simulator was key. It threw the questions at me in a different way which was similar to the actual test. I don't think I would have passed without it. THANKS!
Idette Campos, Licensed Personal Banker & Small Business Specialist, JP Morgan Chase, Chula Vista, CA
Solomon was my ticket to a passing grade the first time on both exams [Series 79 and Series 63]!
Laura Bumgarner,
Houston, Texas
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