What are people saying?
I just took the Series 63 last week, for the first time. I passed with a grade of 87%. The only study guide I used was your audio book which I listened to on the way to work everyday. I have never worked in the securities industry before, and I had no existing knowledge of anything related to securities law. Everything I know about the subject I learned from your audio book. I will always look to your exam preps for my future test prep needs.
David Laurie, Houston, TX
I passed the Series 63 yesterday. It's been over 30 years since I took the Bar Exam, so my knowledge of the Blue Sky laws was quite stale. Your "Pass the 63" training guide and exam simulator were godsends. The writing is remarkably clear and concise and delightfully engaging. They made even the most mind-numbingly complicated securities law topic understandable. Invaluable, thank you.
Paul T. Sheils, Newtown, PA
Solomon Exam Prep material was great. Explained in a way that is easy to learn and follow. Test questions really help the material sink in.
I had failed the Series 66 twice using another service. When it came time to find new material for the Series 65 and Series 63 Solomon was it.
I passed both the 65 & 63 with flying colors and I have Solomon to thank for that.
Jeff Champigny, Merrill Lynch, Greensboro, NC
I thought you might appreciate knowing that I passed the
test with a 90 today. Thanks again for all the help and good quality
material that your company has. I am very glad to have used your
materials and will certainly refer others to Solomon Exam Prep. (Series 6 & 63)
Matthew Baird, Gloversville, NY
I recently passed the series 62 & 63 FINRA exams (first try). The practice exams (with never repeating questions), helped prepare me thoroughly for the challenging questions ahead on the actual tests. Thanks Solomon!
Austin Najib, Key West Investments, San Gabriel, CA
I passed the Series 7 on my first attempt. In fact, five years ago, I also passed both the Series 6 and 63 on my first attempt. In all cases, I used Solomon Exam Prep materials which make sometimes 'dry' topics much more readable. Also, having the option to take an unlimited number of practice tests and receive immediate, thorough feedback was invaluable. I highly recommend them!
Blaine Burnett
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