What are people saying?
I relied on the Solomon Exam Prep materials to pass the Series 79 and 63. The materials are first-rate, especially the practice exams, video lectures, and recommended study plans. The staff members (including the owner) were always responsive and helpful. Thank you, Solomon.
Bob Dale, Austin Dale Group, Austin, TX
Big thanks to Jeremy Solomon and Solomon Exam Prep w/o whose practice exams & books the Series 79 and Series 63 would be a suicide mission or death by boredom!
Andrew Romans,
Los Altos, CA
I took 2500+ questions in your simulator and I passed the Series 63 on my first attempt. Your practice exams are fantastic!!!!!
Pavel Jezek,
Denver, CO
I paid for the best package (Series 63 Total Study Package), and it was well worth the money!! Would use it again!
Greg Hensley
Thank you so much for your great study materials! I have used you to pass my Series 6, 63 and most recently my Series 7 all on the first try. The practice exams and video lectures were great and extremely helpful. Will definitely be using your study material for any future exams and will recommend you to other people
Louis Orsatti, NY LIFE Securities, Boston, MA
I passed my Series 6 and 63 [on the] first try. Test simulator helped a lot. Thanks Solomon Exam Prep.
Vaishali Lad, PNC Investments, Toledo, OH
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