What are people saying?
I just passed the Series 66 exam and found that the Solomon Exam Prep materials are the way to go when preparing for this exam. The advice given from the get-go is spot on; if you think you can cram for this course, forget it. Use the materials as advised and you'll do well. The format of the practice exams closely simulate the way the questions are presented on the test itself. I had 2 prep materials, Solomon's and another and I honestly believe Solomon's was the one that helped the most.
Julio Revuelta, Wealth Management Firm, Miami, FL
I passed the Series 66 with an 82 after just a few weeks of serious studying, thanks to the Solomon Exam Simulator and study calendar! I would (and do) recommend Solomon Exam Prep to everyone!
Janie Richards,
Kestra Financial,
Austin, Texas
I purchased Solomon Exam Prep to get a leg up on the S66 exam. I had taken it a few times already missing it by 1-2 points. A friend of mine enrolled on the test site and passed it on the first try. We did share notes while she was studying. It was then I realized Solomon has something the other test prep companies did not have, which helped me get over the hump. I will recommend it to anyone who really want to pass it the first time up!
Dany H.
First Command
Norfolk, VA
Thank you so much for your great study
materials! I have used Kaplan in the past and this is so much better! I used
your study materials to get an 84% on my Series 7 and an 85% on my Series 66! Keep
up the good work!
Ivan Griffin,
Roach, MO
the Series 66 on my first attempt. I thought the exam simulator was perfect.
The material gave me the confidence I needed going into test day. I will only
use Solomon for any other exams I take in the future. Thank you!
Brendan Halick, David White & Associates, Walnut Creek, CA
So, on this exam [Series 66] I used both your material and Kaplan. mainly because the bank had already paid for kaplan and I had grown accustom to your laid back writing style along with a great mp3 version of the book. Anyway, I got a fair amount of questions from both the kaplan material and your material before taking the test. I have to say that your material matched more closely to the test than I ever would have expected. I will be coming back to Solomon exam prep for ALL of my exam prep needs. :-) Thanks!
Marshall Wolfe,
Hopkinsville, KY
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