What are people saying?
I've been using Solomon Exam Preparation materials for my last
four Series tests: the Series 82, Series 63, Series 79 and just recently the
Series 7. My scores on these tests were 88, 90, 88 and 90. The
Solomon texts were comprehensive and easy to read; everything you need to know
is in there. But there is so much material that these exams cover that
you have to read the texts several times over and take as many practice quizzes
and tests as you can until you score in the mid 80's. Then go in for the
test. That's what I did. I went in scoring in the mid 80's on
practice exams and "peaked" at higher scores while taking the actual
tests. You can't do any better than Solomon. I highly recommend
Michael McGregor, FOCUS Investment Banking, Charlotte, NC
Your exam prep is the best! Passed both the 6 and 63 using Solomon and I recommend it to everyone.
Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you Solomon! I was able to pass the SIE, 7, 63 and 24 in a relatively short time period. The practice exams with answers really helped and when I had a question for The Professor, I always received a quick and accurate response. Solomon is definitely the way to go.
Seth Schader, CCO, Mercer Island, WA
I passed the Series 6 and the Series 63, and I feel like I would not have been able to do that without your practice exams for both. Thank you!
Hillary Gardiner, Austin, Texas
I just took the Series 63 last week, for the first time. I passed with a grade of 87%. The only study guide I used was your audio book which I listened to on the way to work everyday. I have never worked in the securities industry before, and I had no existing knowledge of anything related to securities law. Everything I know about the subject I learned from your audio book. I will always look to your exam preps for my future test prep needs.
David Laurie, Houston, TX
I passed the Series 63 today with a score of 88%. I spent 3 hours every day for a week to study. I would highly recommend Solomon to anyone. Thank you Solomon. I couldn't do it without you.
John Nguyen, Transamerica Financial Advisors, Santa Ana, CA
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