What are people saying?
I successfully passed the test [Series 65] thanks to you guys!!!!
Chad Cook,
Old West Investment Management,
Los Angeles, CA
I truly wish I had tried Solomon Exam Prep earlier! Started studying for the Series 65 exam with a different company and missed passing the test by 4 questions. I was pretty disappointed because my study materials, especially the quiz generator, weren't a great reflection of what the test would actually be like. But Solomon's Exam Simulator was the KEY to passing my second go-around! Questions were very similar to the actual exam and I managed to boost my score by 10% from the first time, only using the Solomon materials for less than a week! HIGHLY recommend this to anyone in need of 65 materials!
Hannah Cash, Denali Wealth Management, Indianapolis, IN
I had my licenses but I let them lapse after I sold my firm. Now we're starting a new firm and I needed a refresher and studied your book and used the exam simulator. I passed the Series 65 and your materials were a big help. Now I am back for the Series 7 and I want your book, audio book and exam simulator. Thanks for an excellent product.
Jason Luquire Pawleys Island, SC
Passed the 65 with an 80% and the 6 with an 87%. Passed both of them on the first try. I give the credit to Solomon. I've had a lot of my friends try other vendors but they were glad to take my advice and switch to Solomon. This course helps you understand the concepts so you can think out the uniquely crafted questions the actual tests ask. Thanks so much.
Gerald Barnes, Client One, Peoria, AZ
I have been extremely happy with your book series. I was able to pass the Series 66 and Series 65 with flying colors on the first try! Thanks again.
Christian Brown, Financial Decisions Group
I recently passed the Series 65 exam, really recommend this study material. I used other vendors before with no success; this is the best in the market. Thanks so much!
Mauricio Reyes. Boca Raton, FL
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