What are people saying?
I passed the Series 65 today. Thanks so much. The Series 65 Exam Simulator and the iPhone app were my only study instruments. I didn't have any other study materials. Granted, I know that you encouraged me to not use the exam simulator as my sole source, but I found your practice tests to be more difficult than the actual exam. I had taken the series 65 in 1994, but it is a different test now. I received an 89%, finished 55 minutes early. I just took your exam simulator tests over and over. Funny thing, I was getting in the 75% range on your exams. Never broke 80%. Great apps! I really appreciate your generosity in extending my subscription to complete my prep. You are a good man. Thank you.
Daniel Q. Humphrey, Financial Guard, Pleasant Grove, Utah
I PASSED. A big thank you to Solomon Exam Prep for breaking down the material for the Series 65 exam into understandable information. I started my exam prep journey with another provider and their material was simply too wordy and full of unnecessary information. I switched to Solomon Exam Prep and the material was easy to follow and I PASSED. Thanks so much for being there for me.
Tammy Gladstone, State Farm Insurance, California, MD
Your material was great. I took the Series 65 in March [2010] and passed with a 90%.
Mark S., Baker, Vermont
I have to commend everyone at Solomon Exam Prep in getting me ready for and helping me pass my "Series 65" State Securities Law exam. I did not have a securities background nor did I work in the industry, and at 51 years old it was a challenge for me to go back to hitting the books. In addition to studying for the exam I was running my full time business and working 60+ hours a week. But with their help and support I passed on my first attempt.
Philip Schweik, Global View Capital Advisors, Wausau, WI
Well, I finally was able to take my Series 65 and passed with an 85%. I think that the combination of your Series 65 text along with our other vendor made all the difference. It was good to have an additional reference for clarity and in some cases more detailed and straight forward discussion. Thank you for the materials.
Alesia Mullis, Churchill Financial, Louisville, KY
I began the process of studying for the Series 65 in October
of 2013. I studied with two other exam prep
companies. The result, a 70% each time.
Then, I bought Solomon’s Exam Prep 65. As I did with
the other two, I went step by step, and when it said I was ready I sat for the
exam! Boom! 80%, passing all four sections at once! So if
you’re surfing the internet right now wondering who to go with….STOP….Solomon’s
is the right choice for today’s professional to get the licensing you need done
the first time, not the third!
Shad Johnson,
The Mueller Companies,
Canon City, CO
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