What are people saying?
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
I had a super rough go passing this (Series 7) exam due to a number of personal circumstances, but on my third attempt, I finally passed, with 30 minutes to spare! After my second failed attempt (I failed by ONE question), I spoke to Jeremy Solomon on the phone and via email, and he provided me with some strategies to help me pass the exam once and for all. I focused heavily on rereading the study guide, and teaching concepts to my spouse so that I wasn’t just learning the information, but really understanding it to the point where I could teach it to someone else. The exam simulators are super helpful, but don’t overdo it… this really isn’t the kind of test where you can only learn by doing practice questions. Re-watching the video lectures was very helpful for me as well. I also recommend making flash cards for memorization purposes. If you fail like me, don’t give up - perseverance (and more studying) will get you to the finish line!
Molly Magnuson, CBIZ Retirement & Investment Solutions. Kansas City, MO
I studied for the Series 7, 79, and 82 with Solomon Exam Prep, and I never scored lower than a 90% on the actual exam! The Study Guides are easy to understand, and the Online Exam Simulator really prepares you. I just purchased the Series 24 Essential Package today!
Michael McGregor,
Focus Bankers,
Charlotte, NC
Thank you...thank you.
I took my Series 7 yesterday and passed....1st try.
Read the whole book 3 times.
My system was to go through and answer the questions I was positive about.
Good guess at the others and park them for review.
The hardest part is trying to understand what they are actually asking.
This way I wasn’t bogged down and stressed being stuck on a question.
Second time around go through all those parked questions...digging deeper...checking my calculations etc. again parking the ones that totally stumped me.
Third time around....educated guesses and what seemed to make sense.
Also, on my way there, I was picturing myself in the room....sitting at the computer (yes, I took a dry run to see the inside). It took that part of the unknown out of the equation.
Be prepared for the masks and Covid precautions.
Any options questions, as tricky as they make them, I would look at my charts and was able to make sense of what they were asking.
Finished the test in record time.
Being prepared gave me the confidence to get through it.
Many thanks
Lorraine Harrod, PNC, Lewes, DE
Thanks to Solomon I was able to pass the SIE, Series 7, and Series 63, great study material if you put the hours in!
Xavier Mata, Cabrera Capital Markets. Chicago, IL
When I was studying Series 7 TOP OFF, I enjoy reading everyone's reviews. It was another way of encouraging me. Thank you Solomon, help me pass my 7 ! I followed the four weeks schedule, didn't do anything more or less.
Jeremy contacted me and share me with his strategy. I really appreciated it! Solomon helped me pass 63 two years ago. I am buying my s65 now! Thank you again for all your help!
Nora, PA
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