What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep materials are head and shoulders above any other company's products. I have purchased several other companies' materials and found that when it came time to take the crucial step of practice exams, every other company's answer explanations simply were too brief to be truly educational, or worse, sometimes contradictory to the text. That is when I turned to Solomon Exam Prep. After purchasing their materials, an actual team member emailed me almost every other day to ask how I was doing with my studying and offered assistance if I had questions. With this kind of support, you aren't trying to climb the mountain of becoming licensed alone! Finally, the owner also contacted me several times to thank me for my purchase and to check on my progress. There is no other company out there doing business in this exemplary way. Please be kind to yourself and START with Solomon Exam Prep materials for the BEST of success!
Rebecca Spadafore - Financial Advisor, LPL Financial. Meadville/Erie Area, PA
SIE, Series 7, Series 66
I am still so giddy that I passed my Series 7 on 1/31. I truly cannot believe it. I took the 7 three times in 2019 utilizing Kaplan study materials and didn't feel good going into the tests any of the times. So shockingly I failed all three times by a lot. My highest score was a 68%. I used Solomon for my 51 in September (passed on the first try) so I thought I could try it for my 7 even though it is the hardest securities test I have taken. I felt so good going into the testing center and I passed!!! I am so grateful to have found your materials. They have been incredibly helpful and I am able to understand all the material covered in the books. I still am in shock that I passed. Now off to the 24!
Briana Turner, Cambridge Investment Research. Virginia Beach, VA
Thank you so much for your great study materials! I have used you to pass my Series 6, 63 and most recently my Series 7 all on the first try. The practice exams and video lectures were great and extremely helpful. Will definitely be using your study material for any future exams and will recommend you to other people
Louis Orsatti, NY LIFE Securities, Boston, MA
In preparation for the Series 7, I began with Kaplan. I tested and did not pass. I then switched to STC materials. I tested and did not pass. I then switched to Solomon and passed! I also used Solomon for the 63 and passed the first time.
I highly recommend Solomon's test preparation materials. The question bank was far more extensive than the others and I definitely felt better prepared using Solomon.
Kara S, CLS, Carrollton, TX
I passed the S7 TO first time it was introduced from last year. I have used several books and none of them could be as complete as this one. I am a living witness to the completeness of your course material. If that was not the case, I would not have passed this very difficult exam. I owe my success to your exam materials and no other book, from those I know have come close. I am going to study for the Series 66 through Solomon Exam Prep. If this can help me through, then I am sure many more people would also succeed.
Stalin Miki, Bankerslife, Miami, FL
Thanks to Solomon I was able to pass the SIE, Series 7, and Series 63, great study material if you put the hours in!
Xavier Mata, Cabrera Capital Markets. Chicago, IL
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