What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep is the "go-to" study guide for any busy professional in our industry. Extraordinary customer service and responses to your questions via email. Excellent flow of subjects, quizzes, test and audiobooks for on-demand refresh. Don't settle for any other test platform for our industry. The goal is to pass the test and they have the staff and platform to help you achieve your goal.
Robert Jones, US Capital Global. San Francisco, CA
What an excellent resource! I passed my SIE Exam on my first try and Solomon Exam Prep did an excellent job preparing me for the test. I would highly recommend purchasing the study guide, video lectures, and the exam simulator. The exam simulator is especially helpful. As long as you are scoring consistently in the mid to high seventies on the timed practice exams, you will have no problem with the actual exam. Thank you again to Solomon!
Carter Spearry, Merrill Lynch. Rocky River, OH
Just Passed the SIE! I started with the Kaplan study guide -read 3 chapters and fell asleep. I searched online for exam simulators like the ones I used for my IT certifications and came across the Solomon Exam Simulator. I started taking the chapter test over and over, some as much as 15 times. I spent a month of total study time and took the practice 85 question SIE exam 4 times with an average 58% score. I also took the FINRA practice exam 2 times. The results charts gave great insight on well I was master each subject. I used them day. I will tell you that the Solomon practice questions were a lot harder then the real exam. I think that made the difference. I took me just under an hour to complete the test. On the the Series 57- too bad Solomon does not have an exam simulator for that one.
Phil A. Frisco, TX
Thank you Solomon! I was able to pass the SIE, 7, 63 and 24 in a relatively short time period. The practice exams with answers really helped and when I had a question for The Professor, I always received a quick and accurate response. Solomon is definitely the way to go.
Seth Schader, CCO, Mercer Island, WA
I took a job which required me to pass the SIE, Series 6, Series 63 and Series 26. Understandably this was a pretty tall task, but the Solomon Exam Prep materials made it incredibly easy. I appreciated how well all of the material was laid out for all four tests. I stuck to the study plans that were included in the resources and passed all four tests on the first try. This was a stressful time in my life, but Solomon got me through it! I would highly recommend Solomon to anyone who is looking to become licensed.
Part of my new job is managing other licensed individuals and I recently hired two employees who are now required to be licensed. I reached out to Solomon for a demo of their Admin Portal and it is wonderfully comprehensive. It allows me to track my employees progress without having to reach out and be too invasive. Excellent all around!
Stephen Carbaugh, StanCorp Equities, Inc. Portland, OR
I passed the SIE on my first attempt thanks to Solomon Exam Prep's structure and chapter guides consolidating a large amount of information into easy to learn material. I did not study finance in College and have been in Compliance for the better part of my career. This has been a validating experience thanks to Solomon Exam Prep.
Marlon Gonzalez-Perez, Tradition. New York, NY
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