What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep helped me pass the Series SIE, 63, 65 and 7 exams. The study materials are easy to understand and practice exams were very helpful, especially with the passing probability to gauge my exam readiness. The instructor for all web classes were really worth it as I could get directly answers for my questions. I couldn't have pass these exams without Solomon's help. Thank you!
Great preparation for a first-time-go on my SIE exam! Used the audio book for my commutes, and the presentation was good addition to back up the book. I leveraged the exam simulator which was priceless in making me feel like I was prepared for the exam. And, once I got into the test, I was prepared enough that I wondered if the real exam was going to get more difficult at the end...? I felt confident and well-prepared. Will be ordering the top-off shortly! Thanks for a great product and outstanding support!
Jeff Hughes, Cambridge Investment Research. Fairfield, IA
I passed my SIE exam the first time.
Great tools and exam simulators, if you study the entire guide and take enough practice exams before your exam there's no reason why you wouldn't pass!
Rom Rabin, Los Angeles, CA
Thank you Solomon! I was able to pass the SIE, 7, 63 and 24 in a relatively short time period. The practice exams with answers really helped and when I had a question for The Professor, I always received a quick and accurate response. Solomon is definitely the way to go.
Seth Schader, CCO, Mercer Island, WA
This program and study prep is amazing. I took and passed my SIE on the first attempt. If you follow the study guide you should be fine. I got to tell you I have never passed a test on the first go. Thanks, Jeremy! I appreciate all your tips and help you posted on the feed. It was all very beneficial to my success.
Tyrone Foster, Hall Labs. Provo, UT
I've used the Solomon exam prep materials for both my SIE and Series 6 exams and passed both on the first try! The audio materials are a lifesaver and a great resource to utilize, especially while driving.
Also, your team is fantastic! I reached out through the "Ask the Professor" option while studying for the SIE and the response and additional help was exactly what I needed. I highly recommend Solomon! Thanks again!
Kristina Ribali, Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial. Naples, FL
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