Series 53: Transaction Information

Taken from our Series 53 Online Guide

Transaction Information

A customer trade confirmation must identify the parties and describe the specifics of the transaction.

Regarding the parties, the confirmation must contain:

  • Customer name
  • Whether the customer is a purchaser or seller
  • Dealer name, address, and phone number
  • Whether the dealer acted as a principal or agent

For agency transactions, the dealer must specify whether it was an agent for the customer, another entity, or both. It must also indicate the source and amount of any remuneration the dealer will receive from the customer or any other party. For principal transactions, the markup or markdown is included in the net price and not disclosed.

Regarding the transaction itself, the confirmation must identify:

  • Trade date and, if available, the time of execution
  • Par value of the securities
  • Settlement date
  • Yield and dollar price
  • Total dollar amount of the transaction
  • Amount of accrued interest

The yields listed on the trade confirmation will typ

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