What are people saying?
I utilized the Solomon SIE and Series 6 Top-Off study guide package.
I passed on the first time by following the exact recommendations. While the test is different than the study exam questions it covers the content in a detailed way preparing you to successfully pass the exam. Great product and customer service!
Michael Gehrich, Allstate Insurance, Ft Myers, FL
THANK YOU SOLOMON! I passed the SIE in December and Series 6 in February. I do not have a background in finance. The study materials prepared me wonderfully for the exams. I used the study schedule - took a ton of practice exams and re-read the material. Also, the testimonials were very encouraging, so I had to share that I had the same amazing experience. Thank you so much!
Candace Chavez, Cetera Investment Services. Wimberley, TX
Solomon Exam Prep was very thorough and prepared me not only for the SIE, but the practice questions were so in-depth I now feel prepared for the Series-7 top-off as well.
Steven Laesser,
Raymond James,
Saint Petersburg, FL
The (SIE) exam was tough,
but I was well prepared after studying with the Solomon Exam Prep guides. Having a set study schedule made this much easier to follow
along. I'll definitely be using Solomon for my Series 6 and 63 exams!
Matthew Bird, Lincoln Investment. Liverpool, NY.
I passed the SIE on my first attempt thanks to Solomon Exam Prep's structure and chapter guides consolidating a large amount of information into easy to learn material. I did not study finance in College and have been in Compliance for the better part of my career. This has been a validating experience thanks to Solomon Exam Prep.
Marlon Gonzalez-Perez, Tradition. New York, NY
When I first signed up for the SIE I was overwhelmed. The topic range was so broad. I began studying the study guide and listened to the audiobook. I also watched the video lectures. The information began to sink in. What really put me over the top was when I signed up for and attended the live class. Our instructor, JD Page, helped me to remember the most important pieces of information for the test. He not only gave us facts, but the reasons behind the facts. It really helped to cement the material into my mind. When I went in for the SIE Exam, I was able to move through the questions quickly and even had enough time to go through every question again. Thank you Solomon Test Prep!
Jason Vreeke
CoreCap Investments LLC
High Point, NC
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