What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep helped me pass the Series SIE, 63, 65 and 7 exams. The study materials are easy to understand and practice exams were very helpful, especially with the passing probability to gauge my exam readiness. The instructor for all web classes were really worth it as I could get directly answers for my questions. I couldn't have pass these exams without Solomon's help. Thank you!
The materials for the SIE were very well organized and presented. The study guide is comprehensive and easy to understand. Beyond that what I found the most valuable were the practice exams particularly the detailed explanations after each set of answers. There are so many hidden gems in there be sure to scroll down so as not to miss that information. We done Solomon Prep!
Matthew Gould, GreyMan Management . Scottsdale, AZ.
I utilized the Solomon SIE and Series 6 Top-Off study guide package.
I passed on the first time by following the exact recommendations. While the test is different than the study exam questions it covers the content in a detailed way preparing you to successfully pass the exam. Great product and customer service!
Michael Gehrich, Allstate Insurance, Ft Myers, FL
Solomon exam prep materials are the best! I have passed the SIE, Series 7, and Series 66 in less than 12 months using their materials. Their products are fantastic! The practice exams are excellent, and the probability calculator is spot on. I followed the provided customized study plan and took practice exams (over 20 lol) until my probability calculator was in the green (indicating a higher probability of passing) and the rest is history. There are no shortcuts. You must put in the work and stay disciplined, but the Solomon program WORKS and I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND them to anyone looking for amazing, comprehensive study materials to prepare for industry examinations.
Brandon Collins, Benchmark. Memphis, TN
I have taken and passed the SIE, Series 7, and Series 66 using this amazing Solomon study program. Each time, I felt prepared for the exam and confident in my answers. Solomon's study structure and varying mediums of study make it interactive and easy to learn.. It's an amazing deal for the tools received. I would highly recommend this program!
Abbigayle Hanoch, LPL Financial. Ventura, NM
I passed the Securities Industry Essential (SIE) exam on my first try. Now, I am studying for the next license exam, the top off exam, Series 7. Thank you Solomon Exam Prep. I am glad I bought the 1) SIE Video Premium Study Package, 2) SIE Flashcards, and, especially, 3) the hard copy. I will probably buy the same for Series 63, 7 and probably no more than two more over the next three years.
Stephen Campbell, Plano, TX
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