What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep was very thorough and prepared me not only for the SIE, but the practice questions were so in-depth I now feel prepared for the Series-7 top-off as well.
Steven Laesser,
Raymond James,
Saint Petersburg, FL
My sincere thanks and appreciation to the team at Solomon. I've used your materials to pass the SIE and Series 6, both on the first try, and today with your help, I have passed the Series 26 exam on the first try as well!
Thank you for the excellent materials and assistance!
Kristina Ribali, MWA Financial Services. Ave Maria, FL
Thank you, Solomon! I passed the SIE and am now working on Series 7. Coming from a background outside of Wealth Management and Finance, I found this material very user friendly. I regularly used the iPhone app as well as the online material, followed the study guide and took A LOT of practice tests. I am grateful for the team at Solomon with a special call out to Madi B and Jeremy S who gave me additional support whenever I needed it. I look forward to the Series 7 content as I was very impressed with the SIE content.
Jeremy Johnson, RBC Wealth Management. Green Bay, WI
Solomon Exam Prep is the "go-to" study guide for any busy professional in our industry. Extraordinary customer service and responses to your questions via email. Excellent flow of subjects, quizzes, test and audiobooks for on-demand refresh. Don't settle for any other test platform for our industry. The goal is to pass the test and they have the staff and platform to help you achieve your goal.
Robert Jones, US Capital Global. San Francisco, CA
Solomon's study materials and practice exam helped prepare me quickly and made me confident going into the SIE exam. I'm happy to have used their services and highly recommend their products for the SIE exam.
Kevin Ramani. Boston, MA
I came into my studies with very little experience. With the amazing help and support from the Solomon Team I passed the SIE on my first attempt. I am extremely grateful for the study material that Solomon has provided. I am onto the 7 TO.
Wc Harbert, RBC. Eugene, OR
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