What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep helped me pass the Series SIE, 63, 65 and 7 exams. The study materials are easy to understand and practice exams were very helpful, especially with the passing probability to gauge my exam readiness. The instructor for all web classes were really worth it as I could get directly answers for my questions. I couldn't have pass these exams without Solomon's help. Thank you!
the SIE was a requirement for my current position. I looked around at different
materials and started with Kaplan. The material was dry and seemed to have many
errors in it. I decided to scrap that and move on to Solomon Exam Prep which I
learned about from Reddit. The reviews were outstanding so I decided to give it
a try. After going through the material once I felt beyond confident to take
the exam. The study guide, audio book, exam simulator, and videos were
extremely well done. After two weeks of reviewing and acing practice tests, I
took my actual SIE exams and flew through it with about 1/3 of the time remaining
when I finished. The preparation from Solomon Exam Prep helped me gain the
confidence and understanding I needed to pass the exam on the first try!
Jared M.
Albany, New York
After failing the SIE with a different study company, I passed after using Solomon! I then passed the S6, S63 and S65 on the first try after studying with Solomon materials! I loved how easy the material was to comprehend and the practice tests were amazing! I felt well prepared for each test! Thank you Solomon!
Sara Hays, State Farm. Atascadero, CA
I passed after two
and a half weeks of studying for the SIE. I am an industry veteran, though have
been out of the securities business for over 10 years. It was really the logic
of the exam simulator process and repetition that did the trick.
The exercises and exam simulator were brilliant! Forward and
onward to Series 82!
Norman Hall. West Tisbury, MA
I studied for both the SIE and the Series 99 with Solomon. Both texts more than prepared me for the exam. The practice questions in particular were extremely helpful and were even a bit more challenging than the actual exams. After reading and annotating both textbooks twice and taking each quiz multiple times to the point that I received high scores on each, I was confident taking the exam. Although there were a few questions here and there on the exams that seemed to be outside the scope of the material and had some differently worded questions, the quiz questions were quite in line with the actual exam. I passed both exams my first try. I highly recommend Solomon study material.
Eric Cunningham
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm not the best test taker. Solomon changed that. I was struggling on the quizzes and practice test. However, I passed the SIE on the first try. Took me less than one hour to complete. I felt very prepared.
Lamar Barnes, Washington D.C.
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